
deciding to be a new creation through jesus today in acts 1 5 jesus says do not leave jerusalem but wait for the gift my father promised which you have heard me speak about for john baptized with water but in a few days you will be baptized with the holy spirit.
in luke 3 21 it says when all the people were being baptized jesus was baptized, too.

and as he was praying heaven was opened and the holy spirit descended on him in a bodily form like a dove

after he was baptized in the holy spirit
he then began his ministry.


the baptism of the holy spirit is when the holy spirit comes upon you and takes over you completely so much that will it will even take over your tongue.


the baptism of the holy spirit requires such surrender it requires you to be like jesus i want you to have your way truly
with me, father even if you want to take over my tongue do it. have your way. i allow you to do what you want with my
body with my everything.


and when the holy spirit comes upon you, this is the baptism of fire when you receive jesus as lord the holy spirit comes
in you.


the holy spirit now is living in you as soon as you give your life to jesus and as you follow him you will start to see
the fruits of the spirit in your life.

but when you are baptized with fire the holy spirit comes upon you not just inside you but upon you in fire feel now on fire for god.

january 7th 2016. i was on my way to this place where the power of god was really moving this little house church
that day i was thinking to myself i want to learn about the baptism of the holy spirit i don't really know much about it
the minister who led the service says i'm going to teach on the baptism of the holy spirit wow i was amazed at god and then he said if you haven't received the baptism of the holy spirit you were going to today and my heart starts beating with
anticipation with excitement when the message was done i came forward he placed his hand upon my head and immediately when he places his hand upon my head and says i baptized you in the holy spirit i physically could feel god touching me overtaking me. he started to come upon my tongue and my tongue was started to speak in a new tongue a new language as i willed myself as i willed my just like in anything if i don't will myself to speak english right now i'm not going to be speaking i'm just going to be here like quiet but when i allowed god to overtake it he overtook it and what came out was a new language like we read about at the day of pentecost when the holy spirit came upon the disciples they broke out in tongues.


i thought it didn't happen anymore today i thought that just was for the original disciples because i hadn't ever seen it


but this indeed is a gift that god wants for all believers he wants it for you that encounter was so precious to me
it was like the first time i had it was like getting a hug from jesus like this encounter was so powerful was so tangible
was physical i mean it was literally my xxx it was so supernatural i didn't know what i was speaking

this was so supernatural it was the most supernatural miracle thing that i'd witnessed in me